The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Draksler, Kaja Octet: Out For Stars
Draksler, Kaja Octet:
Out For Stars

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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After setting music for the poetry of Pablo Neruda and Andriana Minou (Gledalec), Slovenian pianist Kaja Draksler turns to the work of Robert Frost in a set of 7 sophisticated compositions, sung by Laura Polence & Bjork Nielsdottir in an improvising octet with reedists Ab Baars & Ada Rave, violinist George Dumitriu, bassist Lennart Heyndels and drummer Onno Govaert.

Fish-Scale Sunrise (Ab Baars / Kaja Draksler / Joe Williamson: No Queen Rises
Fish-Scale Sunrise (Ab Baars / Kaja Draksler / Joe Williamson:
No Queen Rises

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Out of Stock

Their name taken from a poem by Wallace Stevens, the Netherlands-based trio of Ab Baars on sax and clarinet, Kaja Draksler on piano, and Joe Williamson on bass represent the spirit of the poem in seven compositions from Ab Baars plus two collective improvs, a great mix of serious and playful performance that diverts from detailed interaction to spacious reflectiveness.

Honest John w/ Ab Baars: Treem
Honest John w/ Ab Baars:

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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The Norwegian quintet Honest John of Ole Henrik Moe on violin, Kim Johannesen on guitar & banjo, Ola Hoyer on double bass, Erik Nylander on drums & drum machine, on Klaus Ellerhusen sax and clarinet, are joined by multi-reedist and shakuhachi player Ab Baars at Nasjonal Jazzscene Victoria to capture this quirky, controlled, and incredibly knowledgeable concert.

Draksler, Kaja Octet (w/ Baars / Nielsdoottir / Polence / Rave / Dumitriu / Heyndels / Govaert): Gle
Draksler, Kaja Octet (w/ Baars / Nielsdoottir / Polence / Rave / Dumitriu / Heyndels / Govaert):
Gledalec [2 CDs]

(Clean Feed -- Portugal )

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Draksler's interest in poetry drives this 2-CD release, with a chamber octet of improvisers and orchestra players, with 2 vocalists, two reedists (inc. Ab Baars), violin, piano, double bass, drums & orchestral percussion, performing Draksler's compositions for the words of Pablo Neruda and Andriana Minou.

Baars, Ab  / Ig Henneman / Ingrid Laubrock / Tom Rainey: Perch Hen Brock & Rainy | Live @ The Jazz H
Baars, Ab / Ig Henneman / Ingrid Laubrock / Tom Rainey:
Perch Hen Brock & Rainy | Live @ The Jazz Happening Tampere

(Relative Pitch -- USA )

Out of Stock

Crossing Netherland and New York players, Ab Baars on reeds, Ig Henneman on viola, Ingrid Laubrcok on sax and Tom Rainey on drums present an album of insightful improv that borrows approaches to sound from natural world, performed live at Tampere Jazz Happening, Finland in 2014.

The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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